Books and Conference Proceedings on Artificial Muscles

If you want a complimentary copy of any of the following milestone books and edited volumes on artificial muscles

send an email to Professor Mohsen Shahinpoor (

  • M. Shahinpoor, “Artificial Muscles: Advanced Polymeric Nano Composites”, Second Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London SW15 2NU, Great Britain, 2nd. edition, (2022). CRC Press decided to have the second edition of this book published to incorporate all recent findings.
  • M. Shahinpoor, “Fundamentals of Smart Materials”, Royal Society of Chemistry Publishers, Dr. Robin Driscoll, MRSC, Commissioning EditorThomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK (2020). This is the first textbook on Fundamental of Smart Materials with a solutions manual.

M. Shahinpoor, “Artificial Muscles: Advanced Polymeric Nano Composites,” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London SW15 2NU, Great Britain, 2nd. Edition, (2022). CRC Press decided to have the second edition of this book published to incorporate all recent findings.

M. Shahinpoor, “Fundamentals of Smart Materials,” Royal Society of Chemistry Publishers, Dr. Robin Driscoll, MRSC, Commissioning Editor, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK (2020). This book is the first textbook on Fundamental of Smart Materials with a solutions manual.

M. Shahinpoor,” Intelligent Robotic Systems : Modeling & Simulation ,”, ERI Press , Albuquerque , New Mexico , second edition (2011)

M. Shahinpoor and Hans-Jörg Schneider, Editors, ” Intelligent Materials”, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishers, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0WF, Great Britain,1 st . edition, (2008)

K.J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, Guest Editors, Special Issue: Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles, and Nano-Bio 2004, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures , 2007; 18:101, (2007)

M. Shahinpoor, K.J. Kim and Mehran Mojarrad,” Artificial Muscles : Applications of Advanced Polymeric Nano Composites “, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London SW15 2NU , Great Britain , 1 st . edition, (2007)

M. Shahinpoor, K.J. Kim and Mehran Mojarrad, ” Ionic Polymeric Conductor Composite Artificial Muscles ,” ERI/AMRI Press , Albuquerque , New Mexico , 2 nd . edition, (2005)

M. Shahinpoor and M. Ahghar, Editor, CD ROM Proceedings of the ” Second World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio”  December 6-8, (2004), Albuquerque Marriott, Albuquerque , New Mexico , ERI Press (2005)

Furuya, E. Quandt, Q. Zhang, K. Inoue and M. Shahinpoor, Editors, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society (MRS) Symposium on ” Materials and Devices For Smart Systems “, December 2003, Boston, MA., Materials Research Society (MRS) Publication volume 785 , April (2004)

M. Shahinpoor, Editor, Proceedings of the “First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles “, December 8-11, (2002), Albuquerque Convention Center , Albuquerque, New Mexico , ERI Press (2003)

M. Shahinpoor, K.J. Kim and Mehran Mojarrad, ” Ionic Polymeric Conductor Composite Artificial Muscles ,” ERI/AMRI Press , Albuquerque, New Mexico,
1 st . edition, (2004)

If you want a complimentary copy of any of the following milestone conference proceedings papers
send an email to Professor Mohsen Shahinpoor:

Y. Bahramzadeh and M. Shahinpoor, ” Endovascular Microcatheter Equipped With Smart Distal Tip Stirrer Made With IPMC Artificial Muscles ,” to appear in the Proceedings of JSME/ASME-2011 International Conference on Materials and Processing, June 13-17, 2011, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA (2011)

Y. Bahramzadeh and M. Shahinpoor, ” Charge Modeling of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites for Dynamic Curvature Sensing”, Proceeding of SPIE 18 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , 6-10 March, 2011, San Diego, California, (2011)

Y. Bahramzadeh and M. Shahinpoor, “Characterizing of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMCs) for Sensitive Curvature Measurement”, Article No. SMASIS2010-3799 , Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems , SMASIS2010 September 28 – October 1, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

S. David Dvorak and Mohsen Shahinpoor, “A New Membrane Electrode Assembly for Low-Temperature PEM Fuel Cells”, extended abstract, Control/Tracking Number: 2010-137-A-FCS&E, Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition Headquarters , c/o South Carolina Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Alliance , PO Box 12302 , Columbia SC 29211, (2010)

S. David Dvorak and Mohsen Shahinpoor, “A New Membrane Electrode Assembly for Low-Temperature PEM Fuel Cells Having a Nanocomposite Catalyst Layer”, Manuscript ID: 668938, Proc. Materials Research Society Symposium on Fuel Cells, MRS , (2010)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Electromechanics of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites-Fundamentals “, 16 th . US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , June 27-July 2, 2010, College Park, PA ., CD ROM Proceedings, (2010)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Surgical Correction of Ptosis by Ionic Polyacrylonitrile Artificial Muscles “, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO), 56 th . Annual Conference , May 27-29, Baltimore, Md., CD ROM Proceedings, 2010

 Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Artificial Muscles “, (invited) , American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO), 56 th . Annual Conference,
May 27-29, Baltimore, Md., CD ROM Proceedings, 2010

 Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Surgical Correction of Ptosis by Polymeric Artificial Muscles “, 4th. International Conference on Artificial Muscles, 5 th . International Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio (Nano-Bio 2009) , Seri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan, November 25-28, CD ROM Proceedings, (2009)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Robotic Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula) made with IPMCs” , 4th. International Conference on Artificial Muscles, 5 th . International Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio (Nano-Bio 2009) , Seri Life Science Center, Osaka, Japan, November 25-28, (2009)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, (invited) , “Modelling of Large Deflection of IPMC Plates “, Special Session on “Ionic Polymer Metal Composites”, in DSC09, 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference and Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control, Theme: System Engineering, Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, October 12-14, 2009, Hollywood,

Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Micro-catheter equipped with a biomimetic soft robotic polymeric artificial muscle distal tip bender, actuator and sensor for neurological endovascular surgery “, Proceedings of the 22 nd . International Congress on Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery ( CARS 2008 ), Barcelona , Spain , June 23-28, (2008)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Ionic Polymeric Conductor Nano Composites (IPCMCs) As Distributed Nanosensors and Nanoactuators “, Proceedings of the 3 rd . International Congress on Smart materials, Structures and Systems ( CIMTEC 2008 ), Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 8-13, (2008)

Ron Lumia and Mohsen Shahinpoor, “IPMC Microgripper Research and Development”, Proceedings of the 4 th . International Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio 2007 , Cartagena, Spain, Europe, November 6-8, (2007)

Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Recent Advances in Ionic Polymer Metal Nanocomposites As Distributed Biomimetic Nanosensors, Nanoactuators and Artificial Muscles “, Proceedings of the 4 th . International Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio 2007 , Cartagena, Spain, Europe, November 6-8, (2007)

Mohsen Shahinpoor,” Ionic Polymer Conductor Nano-Composites As Distributed Nanosensors, Nanoactuators And Artificial Muscles-A review”, Mater. Res. Soc. Sympo. Proc., Vol. 949,No. 0949-C07-01, (2007)

X. Tan, D. Kim, E. Goodman and M. Shahinpoor, “A Hands-on Paradigm for EAP Education: Undergraduates, Pre-college Students, and Beyond”, Proceedings of 14 th .SPIE International Symposium on: Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring ,18-23 March 2007, San Diego, California, Paper No.6524-3, (2007)

John G. Michopoulos and Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Data-Driven Inverse Modelling of Ionic Polymer Conductive Composite Plates”,   Proceedings of the Third World Congress On Biomimetics, Artificial Muscle and Nano-Bio (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2006), May 25-28, 2006 Lausanne, Switzerland (2006)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Ionic Polymer Metal Composites As Distributed Nanosensors, Nanoactuators and Artificial Muscles-A Review “, Proceedings of the Third World Congress On Biomimetics, Artificial Muscle and Nano-Bio (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2006), May 25-28, 2006 Lausanne , Switzerland (2006)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Electrochemically Active Artificial Muscles “, Proceedings of the Third World Congress On Biomimetics, Artificial Muscle and Nano-Bio (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2006) , May 25-28, 2006 Lausanne , Switzerland (2006)

M. Shahinpoor, “Electroactive Polymer Actuators For Sequential/Peristaltic Heart and Aorta Compression”, Proceedings of the Third World Congress On Biomimetics, Artificial Muscle and Nano-Bio (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2006) , May 25-28, 2006 Lausanne , Switzerland (2006)

 Ujwal Deole, Ron Lumia, Mohsen Shahinpoor,” Design and Test of IPMC Artificial Muscle Microgripper”, Proceedings of the Third World Congress On Biomimetics, Artificial Muscle and Nano-Bio (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2006) , May 25-28, 2006 Lausanne , Switzerland (2006)

John G. Michopoulos and Mohsen Shahinpoor, “Data-Driven Inverse Modeling of Ionic Polymer Conductor Composite Plates”, Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol. 3992/2006, Proceedings of 6th . International Conference , Reading , UK , May 28-31, pp. 131-138, (2006)

John G. Michopoulos and Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Data-Driven Modeling of Multi-Field Ionic Polymer Plates “, IMECE2005-82426, Proceedings of ASME-IMECE 2005 , ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, November 5-11, 2005, Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Orlando, Florida (2005)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Smart ionic Polymer Conductor Composite Materials As multifunctional distributed nanosensors, nanoactuators and artificial muscles” , IMECE2005-79394, Proceedings of ASME-IMECE 2005 , ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, November 5-11, 2005, Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Orlando, Florida (2005)

M. Shahinpoor “Recent Advances In Ionic Polymer Conductor Composite Materials As Distributed Nanosensors, Nanoactuators And Artificial Muscles”, Proceeding of SPIE 12 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , 7-10 March, 2005, San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 5759, pp. 49-63, (2005)

Zheng Chen, Xiaobo Tan, and Mohsen Shahinpoor , ” Quasi-static Positioning of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) Actuators “, Proceedings of the IEEE/ASME Conference on Advanced Intelligent Machatronics, pp. 60- 65, (AIM 2005) , July 24-28, Monterey, California, USA, (2005)

Colozza, A., Shahinpoor, M., Jenkins, P., Smith, C., Isaac, K. and Dalbello, T., ” Solid State Aircraft Concept Overview”,   Proceedings – 2004 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH’04) , The Computer Society Publication, pp. 318-324, (2004)

J.G. Michopolous and M. Shahinpoor, “Experimental Calibration of Non-Linear Continuum Multi-Field Ionic Polymer Plate Modeling”, Proceedings of the Second World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2004) , December 5-8, 2004, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2004)

Ethan A. Kottke, L. D. Partridge, Mohsen Shahinpoor “Bio-Potential Neural Activation of Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of the Second World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2004) , December 5-8, 2004, Albuquerque Convention Center , Albuquerque , New Mexico , USA , (2004)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Ionic Polymer Conductor Composite Materials as Distributed Nanosensors, Nanoactuators and Artificial Muscles – A Review” , Proceedings of the Second World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2004) , December 5-8, 2004, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque , New Mexico , USA , (2004)

Ujwal Deole, Ron Lumia, Mohsen Shahinpoor, ” Characterization of Impedance Properties of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Actuators “, Proceedings of the Second World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2004) , December 5-8, 2004, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2004)

Piergiorgio Tozzi, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Daniel Hayoz and Ludwig von Segesser “Electroactive Polymers to Assist Failing Heart: The Future Is Now “, Proceedings of the Second World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics and Nano-Bio 2004) , December 5-8, 2004, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2004)

G. Lloyd, K.J. Kim, A. Razani and M. Shahinpoor, “Thermally Driven Mechanical Actuation by Using Absorption/Desorption of Metal Hydrides: A Comprehensive Simulation”, IMECE2004-60449, Proceedings of ASME-IMECE2004 , 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim Convention center/Hilton, Anaheim, California, (200

M. Shahinpoor, “Smart Thin Sheet Batteries Made With Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMC’s)”, IMECE2004-60954, Proceedings of ASME-IMECE2004 , 2004 ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition, November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim Convention center/Hilton, Anaheim, California, (2004)

U. Doele, R. Lumia and M. Shahinpoor, “Grasping Flexible Objects Using Artificial Muscles Micro-Grippers”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Automation Conference (WAC 2004) , June 2
8-July 1, 2004, Seville, Spain, (2004)

K.J. Kim, , K. Choe, R. Samathan, J. Nam, M. Shahinpoor and J. Adams, “Toward Nanobiomimetic Muscles: Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers”, Proceeding of SPIE 11 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , 14-18 March, 2004, San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 5385-62, pp.33-43, (2004)

M. Shahinpoor, “Ionic Polymer Conductor Composites As Distributed Nanosensors, Nanoactuators and Artificial Muscles-A Review of Recent Findings”, Proceeding of The International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, AMN-1, The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology , 9-11 February 2003, Wellington, New Zealand, </e m> pp. 14-22, (2003)

K. J. Kim, J. Caligiuri and M. Shahinpoor “Contraction/Elongation Behaviour of Cation- Modified Polyacrylonitrile Fibers”, Proceeding of SPIE 10 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , 2-6 March, 2003, San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 5051-23, pp. 207-213, (2003)

J. Tyson, T. Schmidt, K. Galanulis, M. Shahinpoor, ” Full-field Deformation & Strain Measurement in Biomechanics & Biomimetics “, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

D. Soltanpour, P. Shahinpoor and M. Shahinpoor, ” Development of An Artificial Muscle Based Smart Band To Correct Refractive Errors of The Human Eye “, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

D. Soltanpour and M. Shahinpoor, “Development of A Synthetic-Muscle based Miniature Diaphragm Pump For Medical Applications “, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

R. Lumia and M. Shahinpoor, “Artificial Muscle Micro-Gripper “, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11,
2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

J.G. Michopolous and M. Shahinpoor, ” Continuous Electrodynamic Estimation of Impedance Associated with Multi-Dimensional Ionic Polymeric Artificial Muscles “, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

J.G. Michopolous and M. Shahinpoor, ” Towards A Multiphysics Formulation of Electroactive Large Deflection Plates Made From Ionic Polymeric Artificial Muscles “, Proceedings of the FirstWorld Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

K.J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, ” Electrical Activation of Contractile Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-Conductor Composite Fiber Bundles As Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

M. Shahinpoor and M. Ahghar, ” Modeling of Electrochemical Deformation in Poly-acrylonitrile (PAN) Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9- 11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

K. J. Kim, J. Caligiuri, K. Choi, M. Shahinpoor, I. D. Norris, B. R. Mattes ” Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers as Artificial Nano-Muscles”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Applications of Ionic Polymer Conductor Composites (IPCC’s) to Nanotechnology and Nano Robots,”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

K. Kim, J. Detweiler, G. Lloyd, M. Shahinpoor, A. Razani , ” Experimental & Theoretical Investigation of a Metal Hydride Artificial Muscle”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Metal Hydride Artificial Muscle Systems”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002) , December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

M. Shahinpoor, L.O. Sillerud and S.G. Popa, “Smart Fiber Optic Magnetometer Array For MEG”, Proceedings of the First World Congress On Biomimetics and Artificial Muscle (Biomimetics 2002), December 9-11, 2002, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (2002)

G. Lloyd, K. J. Kim, A. Razani, and M. Shahinpoor, “Investigation of a Solar-Thermal Bio-mimetic Metal Hydride Actuator,”, Proc. Solar 2002 Conference
, Reno , Nevada (2002), Proceedings of Solar Engineering 2002, vol. SED2002-1066, PP. 301-308, (2002)

M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, “Electrically Controllable Deformation Memory Effects in Ionic Polymers,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-13, pp. 85-94, (2002)

K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, ” Ionic Polymer Metal Composites in Manufacturing Techniques “, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-26 , (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, “Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites: Fundamentals and Phenomenological Modeling,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-36, (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, L. O. Sillerud, I. D. Norris, B. R. Mattes, “Electroactive Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers as Artificial Nanomuscles,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9th AnnualInternational Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-42, (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor, M. Ahghar, K. J. Kim and L. O. Sillerud, “Industrial and Medical Applications of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites as Biomimetic Sensors, Actuators, and Artificial Muscles,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-43, (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor and R. Alvarez, “Simulation and Control of Iono-Elastic Beam Dynamic Deformation Model,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695- 40, (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor, S.G. Popa, “Recent Technology Development in Contactless Monitoring of the Electromagnetic Activities of the Human Heart and Brain,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4694-44, (March, 2002)

Heino Finkelmann and M. Shahinpoor, “Electrically-Controllable Liquid Crystal Elastomer-Graphite Composites Artificial Muscles,”, Proceeding of SPIE 9 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , San Diego, California, SPIE Publication No. 4695-53, (March, 2002)

M. Shahinpoor, “Ionic polymer-Conductor composites (IPCC’s) as Biomimetic Robotic Actuators, Sensors and Artificial Muscles,”, Proc. 8 th .Int. Conf. On New Actuators, Actuators 2002, June 10-12, 2002, Bremen , Germany

M. Shahinpoor, “Fundamentals of Ionic Polymer Conductor Composites as Biomimetic Sensors, Soft Actuators and Artificial Muscles-A Review of Recent Findings,”, Keynote Presentation, Soft Actuators
and Sensors, Proc. Of 14 th .US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Virginia Tech., June 23-28, 2002

M. Shahinpoor, “Mechnoelectric Effects in Ionic Polymers,”, Special Presentation In Honor of Professor Millard F. Beatty, Contemporary Issues in Mechanics Special Symposium, Proc. Of 14 th . US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Virginia Tech., June 23-28, 2002

M. Shahinpoor, “Electrically Controllable Deformation In Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Actuators”, Proc. of ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition , New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-22, MECE2002-39037, (2002)

B. K. Henderson, S. Lane, M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, and D. Leo, “Evaluation of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMC) for Use as Near DC Mechanical Sensors,” Proceeding of AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition , Albuquerque, New Mexico, AIAA 2001-4600 (August, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor, and S.G. Popa, “Smart Interactive Electronic System for Monitoring the Electromagnetic Activities of Biological Systems,”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, March 3-5, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials , Publication No.4328-37, pp.34-45, (2001)

K.M. Newbury, K. Mallavarapu, D. Leo, S. Griffin and M. Shahinpoor, “Ionic Polymer Devices for Optical Positioning Systems,”, Proceeding of AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition , Albuquerque, New Mexico, AIAA 2001-4600 (August, 2001)

K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, “Development of Three Dimensional Polymeric Artificial Muscles,” Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach , California , Vol. 4329-(58) (March, 2001)

K. J. Kim and M. Shahinpoor, “The Synthesis of Nano-Scale Platinum Particles-Their Role in Performance Improvement of Artificial Muscles and Fuel Cells,”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(26) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “Fully Dry Solid-State Artificial Muscle s Exhibiting Giant Electromechanical Effect,”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(58) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “Novel Ionic Polymeric Hydraulic Actuators,”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(23) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “A Novel Physically-Loaded and Interlocked Electrode Developed for Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs),” Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(24) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “A Mega-Power Metal Hydride Anthropomorphic Biorobotic Actuator,”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4327-(18) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “Design, Development, and Testing of a Multi-Fingered Mammalian Heart Compression/Assist Device Equipped with IPMC, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(53) (March, 2001)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “Nano and Micro Sensors, Actuators and Artificial Muscles Made with Ionic Polymeric Conductive Composites,”, Proceeding of NanoSpace 2001,International Conference, Exploring Interdisciplinary Frontiers In Integrated Nano/Microtechnology for Space and Biomedical applications , March 13-16, Houston Moody Gardens, (2001)

M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, S. Griffin, and D. Leo, “Sensing Capabilities of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites”, Proceeding of SPIE 8 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 4329-(28), March, (2001)

M. Shahinpoor,” Electrically-Activated Artificial Muscles Made With Liquid Crystal Elastomers,”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach , California , SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Publication No. SPIE 3987-27, pp. 187-192 , (2000)

M. Shahinpoor,” Electromechanical Modeling of Ionic Polymer-Conductive Composite (IPCC) Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach , California , SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Publication No. SPIE 3984-37, pp. 310-320, (2000)

M. Shahinpoor, “Potential Applications of Electroactive Polymer Sensors and Actuators in MEMS Technologies,”, Proceedings of SPIE’s 2000 Symposium on Smart Materials & MEMS, December 13-15, Melbourne, Australia, SPIE Publication No. 4234-40, pp. 450-459, (2000)

M. Shahinpoor,” Electromechanical Modeling of Ionic Polymer-Conductive Composite (IPCC) Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach , California , SPIE Smart Materials and Structures , Publication No. SPIE 3984-37, pp. 310-320, (2000)

S.G. Popa and M. Shahinpoor, “Evolution of Material Intelligence and Survival Strategies Based On Matter, Energy and Geometry”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, SPIE Smart Materials and Structures, Publication No. SPIE 3984-35, pp. 234-243, (2000)

M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, and H. B. Schreyer, “Artificial Sarcomere and Muscle Made with Conductive Polyacrylonitrile (C-PAN) Fiber Bundles” , Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3687, pp. 243-251 (March, 2000)

M. Shahinpoor and K. J. Kim, “Effects Counter-ions on the Performance of IPMC’s,”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach, California, 3687, pp. 110-120 (March, 2000)

K. J. Kim, M. Shahinpoor, and A. Razani, “Preparation of IPMCs for Use in Fuel Cells, Electrolysis, and Hydrogen Sensors”, Proceedings of SPIE 7 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials , Newport Beach , California , 3687, pp. 311-320 (March, 2000)

M. Shahinpoor, “Electro-Mechanics of Iono-Elastic Beams as Electrically-Controllable Artificial Muscles”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference, March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3669-12, pp. 109-121, (1999)

H. Brett Schreyer, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Kwang Kim, ” Electrical activation of PAN Artificial Muscles”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Con
, March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-19, pp. 192-198. (1999)

Amid Keshavarzi, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Kwang J. Kim, and Jeffrey Lantz, ” Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, and Rhythm Measurement Using Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites Sensors “, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-36, pp. 369-376, (1999)

L. Ferrara, M. Jaeger, A. Keshavarzi, M. Shahinpoo and E. Benzel, ” The Use of Trained Shape Memory Alloy Fixtures in Spinal Instrumentation for the Correction of Spinal Deformities”, Presented at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting (poster 368). Boston , MA , November 1999

L. Ferrara, M. Shahinpoor, K. J. Kim, B. Schreyer, A. Keshavarzi, E. Benzel and Jeffrey Lantz” Use of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs) As A Pressure Transducer in the Human Spine, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-45, pp. 394-401, (1999)

Mohsen Shahinpoor & David R. Martinez, ” Smart Temperature Sensors for Food and Pharmaceutical Products”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3674-12, pp. 127-133, (1999)

R. Lumia and M. Shahinpoor, ” Microgripper design using electro-active polymers”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3669-30, pp. 322-329, (1999)

T. Rashid and M. Shahinpoor, ” Force Optimization of Ionic Polymeric Platinum Composite Artificial Muscles by Means of An Orthogonal Array Manufacturing Method”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3669-28, pp. 289-298, (1999)

K.J. Kim, M. Shahinpoor and R. Razani, “Electro-Active Polymer Materials for Solid Polymer Fuel Cells”, Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-42, pp. 385-393, (1999)

K.J. Kim, and M. Shahinpoor, “Effect of the Surface-Electrode Resistance on the Actuation of the Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite’s (IPMC) Artificial Muscles”, Proceedings of SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials/Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices , Newport Beach, California, Vol. 3669-43, pp. 308-319, (1999)

Y. Bar-Cohen, S.P. Leary, M. Shahinpoor, J.O. Simpson and J. Smith, “Flexible Low- Mass Devices and Mechanisms Actuated by Electro-Active Polymers”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-38, pp. 51-56, (1999)

Y. Bar-Cohen, S.P. Leary, M. Shahinpoor, J.O. Simpson and J. Smith, “Electro-Active Polymer(EAP) Actuators for Planetary Applications”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference, March 1-5,1999, New Port Beach, California, Publication No. SPIE 3669-05, pp.57-63, (1999)

S.P. Leary, M. Shahinpoor, and Y. Bar-Cohen, “Equivalent Circuit of Ionic Polymeric Metal Composites”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3669-09, pp. 64-68, (1999)

C. Liu, M. Shahinpoor, and Y. Bar-Cohen, “Scaling Laws of Micro-Actuators and Potential Applications of Electro-Active Polymers in MEMS “, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 1-5, 1999, New Port Beach , California , Publication No. SPIE 3669-33, pp. 69-74, (1999)

M. Shahinpoor, “Ionic Polymer Metal Composite As Biomimetic Sensors and Actuators”, Proc. 44 th . Int. SAMPE Symposium , Edited by : Dr. Leslie J. Cohen, Jerome, L. Bauer and William E. Davis, Published by SAMPE, pp. 1950-1960, May 23-27, Long Beach , California , (1999)

Shahinpoor, M., Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, J. Simpson, J. Smith, ” Some Experimental Results on Ion- Exchange Polymer-Metal Composites as Biomimetic Sensors and Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California, Publication No. SPIE 3324-37, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, K. Salehpoor, J. Simpson, J. Smith, and P. Willis “Low-Mass Muscle Actuators Using Electroactive Polymers (EAP)”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California Publication No. SPIE 3324-32, (1998)

K. Firoozbakhsh, M. Shahinpoor and M. Shavandi, “Mathematical Modeling of Ionic Interactions and Deformation In Ionic Polymeric Metal Composite Artificial Muscles”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego , California Publication No. SPIE 3323-66, (1998)

G. Wang and M. Shahinpoor, ” Design of A Knee and Leg Muscle Exerciser Using A Shape memory Alloy Rotary Actuator”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference, March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California, Publication No. SPIE 3324-29, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, J. Simpson, J. Smith, ” Flexible Low-Mass Robotic Arm Actuated by Electroactive Polymers (EAP)”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego , California , Publication No. SPIE 3329-07, (1998)

K. Salehpoor, M. Shahinpoor, and A. Razani, “Role of Ion Transport In Dynamic Sensing and Actuation of Ionic Polymeric Platinum Composite Artificial Muscles”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego , California , Publication No. SPIE 3330-09, (1998)

M. Shahinpoor, Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, J. Simpson, J. Smith, “Some Experimental Results on Ion- Exchange Polymer-Metal Composites as Biomimetic Sensors and Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California, Publication No. SPIE 3324-37, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, K. Salehpoor, J. Simpson, J. Smith, and P. Willis “Low- Mass Muscle Actuators Using Electroactive Polymers (EAP), “, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California Publication No. SPIE 3324-32 (1998)

G. Wang and M. Shahinpoor, ” Design of A Knee and Leg Muscle Exerciser Using A Shape Memory Alloy Rotary Actuator”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference, March 3-5, 1998, San Diego , California , Publication No. SPIE 3324-29, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, J. Simpson, J. Smith, ” Flexible Low-Mass Robotic Arm Actuated by Electroactive Polymers (EAP)”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego , California , Publication No. SPIE 3329-07, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, J. Simpson and J. Smith, “Flexible, Low-Mass Robotic Arm Actuated by Electroactive Polymers and Operated Equivalently to Human Arm and Hand”, Proc. Space’98-Robotics’98 Conference, Third International Conference And Exposition on Robotics for Challenging Environments, April 26-30, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Publication, edited by L.A. Demsetz, R.H. Byrne and J.P. Weyzel , April (1998)

M. Shahinpoor, Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, J. Simpson, J. Smith, ” Some Experimental Results on Ion- Exchange Polymer-Metal Composites as Biomimetic Sensors and Actuators”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California, Publication No. SPIE 3324-37, (1998)

Y. Bar-Cohen, T. Xue, M. Shahinpoor, K. Salehpoor, J. Simpson, J. Smith, and P. Willis “Low-Mass Muscle Actuators Using Electroactive Polymers (EAP)”, Proc. SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , March 3-5, 1998, San Diego, California Publication No. SPIE 3324-32, (1998)

Shahinpoor, M. and Mojarrad, M., “Ion-Exchange-Metal Composite Sensor Films”, Proceedings of 1997 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , vol. 3042-10, San Diego , California , March (1997)

Shahinpoor, M. and Mojarrad, M., “Electrically-Induced large Amplitude Vibration and Resonance Characteristics of Ionic Polymeric Membrane-Metal Composites”, Proceedings of 1997 SPIE Smart Materials and Structures Conference , vol. 3041-76, San Diego , California , March (1997)

Shahinpoor, M., “Heart-Assist Devices Equipped with Ionic Polymeric Noble Metal Composites (IPNMC)”, Proc. First International Symposium on Advanced Bio-Materials (ISAB) </e m>, October 2-5, 1997, Montreal , Canada , (1997)

Shahinpoor, M., “Heart-Assist Devices Equipped with Ionic Polymeric Metal Composites (IPMC)”, Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Exposition, November 16-21, 1997, , Dallas , Texas (1997)

Shahinpoor, M., “Ion-Exchange Polymer-Metal Composites As Biomimetic Sensors and Actuators: Artificial Muscles”, Proc., Los Alamos National Laboratories, Workshop on Self-Assembling and Biomimetic Materials , December 15-17, (1997), Los Alamos , NM (1997)

M. Shahinpoor, “Intelligent Materials and Structures Revisited”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 27-29, 1996, San Diego, California, vol. 2716, paper no. 33, (1996)

M. Mojarrad and M. Shahinpoor “Noiseless Propulsion for Swimming Robotic Structures Using Polyelectrolyte Ion-Exchange Membranes”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 27-29, 1996, San Diego, California, vol. 2716, paper no. 27, (1996)

K. Salehpoor, M. Shahinpoor and M. Mojarrad, “Electrically Controllable Ionic Polymeric Gels As Adaptive Lenses”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 27-29, 1996, San Diego , California , vol. 2716, paper no. 18, (1996)

K. Salehpoor, M. Shahinpoor and M. Mojarrad, “Electrically Controllable Artificial PAN Muscles”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 27-29, 1996, San Diego , California , vol. 2716, paper no. 07, (1996)

M. Shahinpoor and M. Mojarrad, “Ion-Exchange Membrane-Platinum Composites As Electrically Controllable Artificial Muscles,”, Proc. 1996 Third International Conference on Intelligent Materials, ICIM’96, and Third European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, pp. 1012-1017, June 1996, Lyon, France, (1996)

M. Shahinpoor, “Fast Robotic Grabbers”, Proc. 1996 Third International Conference on Intelligent Materials, ICIM’96, and Third European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , pp. 1000-1005, June 1996, Lyon, France, (1996)

M. Shahinpoor, “The Ionic Flexogelectric Effect”, Proc. 1996 Third International Conference on Intelligent Materials, ICIM’96, and Third European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , pp. 1006-1011, June 1996, Lyon, France, (1996)

G. Wang and M. Shahinpoor, “New Design for A Bending Muscle Actuator Made With Shape memory Alloy Contractile Wires”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 27-29, 1996, San Diego, California, vol. 2715, paper no. 06, (1996)

G. Wang and M. Shahinpoor, “New Design for A Rotatory Joint Actuator Made With Shape Memory Alloy Contractile Wires”, Proc. SPIE 1996 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 27-29, 1996, San Diego, California, vol. 2715, paper no. 42, (1996)

M. Shahinpoor and Y. Osada, “Electrically-Induced Dynamic Contraction of Ionic Polymeric Gels”, Proc. SPIE 1995 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 28-March 2, 1995, San Diego , California , vol. 2441, paper no. 46, pp. 91-98, (1995)

M. Shahinpoor, “A New Effect in Ionic Polymeric Gels: The Ionic “Flexogelectric Effect”, Proc. SPIE 1995 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 28-March 2, 1995, san Diego, California, vol. 2441, paper no. 05, pp. 42-53, (1995)

M. Shahinpoor and G. Wang, “Fast Cyclic Solid Phase Transformations in Shape Memory Alloys”, Proc. SPIE 1995 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 28-March 2, 1995, San Diego, California, vol. 2442, paper no. 34, (1995)

M. Shahinpoor and G. Wang, “Design, Modeling and Performance Evaluation of A Novel Large Motion Shape Memory Alloy Actuator”, Proc. SPIE 1995 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 28-March 2, 1995, San Diego, California, vol. 2447, paper no. 31, (1995)

M. Shahinpoor and Y. Osada, “Heart Tissue Replacement with Ionic Polymeric Gels”, Proc. 1996 ASME Winter Annual Meeting , San Francisco , California , November 12- 18, (1995)

M. Shahinpoor,” Design, Modeling and Fabrication of Micro-Robotic Actuators with Ionic Polymeric Gel and SMA Micro-Muscles”, Proc. 1995 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference , Boston , MA , September (1995)

M. Shahinpoor, “Design and Modeling of A Novel Spring-Loaded Ionic Polymeric Gel Actuator”, Proc. SPIE 1994 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 94, Orlando , Florida , vol. 2189, paper no. 26,pp.255-264, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Microelectro-Mechanics of Ionic Polymeric Gels As Synthetic Robotic Muscles”, Proc. SPIE 1994 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 94, Orlando, Florida, vol. 2189, paper no. 27,pp.265-274, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “A Novel Self-Powered pH Indicator Using Ionic Polymeric Gel Muscles”, Proc. SPIE 1994 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials , February 94, Orlando , Florida , vol. 2189, paper no. 13, pp. 134-142, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Design and Modeling Of A Novel Fibrous Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuator”, Proc. SPIE 1994 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 94, Orlando , Florida , vol. 2190, paper no. 68, pp.730-738, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Design and Modeling of An Active Crawling Robotic Annelid”, Proc. SPIE 1994 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 94, Orlando , Florida , vol. 2190, paper no. 69, pp.739-747, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Electro-Mechanics of Resilient Contractile Fiber Bundles with Applications To Ionic Polymeric Gel and SMA Robotic Actuators”, Proc. 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation , vol. 2, pp.1502-1508, San Diego , California , May (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Electro-Thermo-Mechanics of Spring-Loaded Contractile Fiber Bundles with Applications To Ionic Polymeric Gel and SMA Actuators”, Proc. 1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Materials , ICIM’94, June 1994, Willimsburg, VA, pp. 1105-1116, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Active Musculoskeletal Structures Equipped with a Circulatory System and a Network of Ionic Polymeric Gel Muscles”, Proc. 1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Materials, ICIM’94, June 1994, Willimsburg , VA , pp.1079-1085, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Micro-Electro-Mechanics of Ionic Polymeric Gels as Electrically Controlled Artificial Muscles”, Proc.1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Materials , ICIM’94, June, 1994, Willimsburg, VA, pp. 1095-1104, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, and M.S. Thompson, “The Venus Fly Trap and the Waterwheel Plant As Smart Carnivorous Botanical Structures With Built-In Sensors and Actuators”, Proc. 1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Materials , ICIM’94, June 1994, Willimsburg, VA, pp.1086-1094, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, “Applications of Smart Materials, Structures and Systems to Free Form Fabrication”, Proc. 1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Mate rials, ICIM’94, June 1994, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 1067-1078, (1994)

M.L. Wang, C. Yan, X. Wang and M. Shahinpoor, “High Sensitivity Fiber Strain Sensor for Infrastructure Monitoring”, Proc. 1994 Int. Conf on Intelligent Materials , ICIM’94, June 1994, Willimsburg, VA, pp.1291-1299, (1994)

M. Shahinpoor, and G. Wang, “Electro-Thermo-Mechanics of SMA Fiber Bundles Embedded in An Elastic Medium”, Recent Advances in Engineering Science, Proc. 31st. Technical Conference of the Society of Engineering Science, Symposium on Active Materials and Smart Structures , pp. 408-409, Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, October (1994)

D. Segalman, W. Witkowski, R. Rao, Doug Adolf and M. Shahinpoor, “Finite Element Simulation of the 2D Collapse of A Polyelectrolyte Gel Disk”, Proc.1993 SPIE North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 93, Albuquerque, NM, vol. 1916, pp. 14-22, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, “Nonhomogeneous Large Deformation Theory of Ionic Polymeric Gels in Electric and pH Fields”, Proc.1993 SPIE North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials ., February 93, Albuquerque, NM, vol. 1916, pp. 40-55, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, “A Relationship Between the Volumetric Strain and pH in Ionic Polymeric Gels”, Proc.1993 SPIE North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, February 93, Albuquerque, NM, vol. 1916, pp. 416-423, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, “Microelectro-Mechanics of Ionic Polymeric Gels As Artificial Muscles For Robotic Applications”, Proc. 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation , Atlanta, Georgia, May 93, Vol. 2, pp.380-385, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, “Design and Kinematics of A Novel Robotic Hand”, Proc. 1993 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics , August 93, Tokyo, Japan, vol.1,pp. 266-272, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, “Continuum Electro-Mechanics of Ionic Polymeric Gels As Artificial Muscles for Robotic Applications”, Proc. International Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering , May 2-6, 1993, Shiraz University Press, vol. 4, pp.211-218, (1993)

A.A. Tootoonchi and M. Shahinpoor, “Analysis of A Robotic Hand With Two Flexible Fingers”, Proc. International Congress on Electrical Engineering, ICEE’93 , May 20-24, 1993, Tehran University Press, vol. 1, pp.200-213, (1993)

M. Shahinpoor, ” An Introduction to Fractal Robot Manipulators”, Proc. 14th. Conf. Ideas in Science & Electronics Symp., May 1992, Albuquerque, New Mexico, vol. 1, pp. 150-156, (1992)

M. Shahinpoor,” Design and Modeling of Ionic Polymeric Gels as Artificial Muscles Used In Smart Structures”, Proc,.29th. Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Science Technical Meeting , La Jolla , California , September 14-16, (1992), pp. 267-268, (1992)

R.Rao, W. Witkowski, D. Segalman, D. Adolf and M. Shahinpoor, “Finite Element Analysis of Chemomechanical Polyelectrolytic Gels”, Proc. 1992 AIChE Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov., (1992)

D. Segalman, W. Witkowski, D. Adolf and M. Shahinpoor, “Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Behavior of Polymeric Gels”, Proc. 1st. Int. Conf. Intelligent Materials, ICIM’92 , Tsukube, Japan, July, Technomic Publishing Co., pp. 310-313, (1992)

.C. Chiou and M. Shahinpoor,” Experimental & Theoretical Observation on the Dynamic Stability of A One-Link Force-Controlled Flexible Manipulator”, Proc. 1991 IEEE Robotics & Automation Conf. , Sacramento, Calif.,vol.2, pp.1208-1213, April (1991)

M. Shahinpoor, ” Conceptual Design, Kinematics and Dynamics of Swimming Robotic Structures Using Active Polymer Gels”, Proc. ADPA/AIAA/ASME/SPIE Conf. on Active Materials & Adaptive Structures , Alexandria , Va , Nov. (1991)

D. Segalman, W. Witkowski, D. Adolf and M. Shahinpoor, “Electrically Controlled Polymeric Muscles As Active Materials in Adaptive Structures”, Proc. ADP
A/AIAA/ASME/SPIE Conf. on Active Materials & Adaptive Structures
, Alexandria , Va , Nov., (1991)

The Artificial Muscle Research Institute (AMRI) was established by Regents Professor Mohsen Shahinpoorat in 1996. Professor Mohsen Shahinpoor, Regents professor in the School of Engineering and School of Medicine , was the Director of the Institute. The Artificial Muscle Research Institute has now become the leading world institution in ionic polymeric artificial muscle research, development, and applications. Professor Shahinpoor has re-established the Institute as an Initiative at University of Maine. The immediate goals of the institute is to develop, design, fabricate, test, and commercialize medical and industrial and domestic products based on biomimetic electrically and/or chemically controllable polymeric artificial muscles. These muscles will be used in applications relating to industrial, medical, and domestic problems. The Artificial Muscle Research Institute (AMRI) has teamed up with The Facio Scapulo Humeral Muscular Dystrophy Society
( will be actively involved in developing artificial muscle-based devicesand systems to help people with muscular problems and deficiencies and disabled individuals.