- Myster Bony equipped with artificial muscles pedaling an exercycle
- Wiggly little flexible robotic finger
- Resonant Flying Muscles
- Thick muscle moving up under a linearly varying direct voltage to a maximum of 4 volts
- Flapping pair of wings-version 1
- Flapping pair of wings-version 2
- Flapping pair of wings-version 3
- Heart-Assist/Organ Compression Device Made With Laminated IPMCs
- IPMC Rising and Resonating Robotic Shovel Muscle
- Enjoy the Amazing Dance of This Twisting, Twirling, Turning, Rolling IPMC Muscle and Morphing Antenna
- Space Dust Wiper Made For NASA With IPMC Muscle
- Resonant Flying Wings With Artificial Muscle
- IPMC Multi-Fingered Hand
- Smart IPMC Jelly Fish In Air
- Smart IPMC Jelly Fish Rising In Water
- IPMC Rising and Resonating Robotic Shovel Muscle
- Waving Robotic IPMC Muscle
- Thick Robotic IPMC Muscle
- Flapping/Flying Pair of Robotic Wing Muscles-1
- Vibrating and Resonating Asymmetric Toy Robotic Muscle
- Flying Pair of Robotic Wing Muscle-2
- Looping Robotic Muscle
- A Robotic Micro-Gripper Made with IPMC Artificial Muscle For Micro-Organisms Manipulation
- World’s Smallest Pair of Robotic Fingers Made with IPMC Artificial Muscles
- Robotic M uscle for Skeletal Joint Motion
- Swimming Biomimetic Robotic Fish Approaching A Wall Under Water
- Swimming Biomimetic Robotic Fish Turning
- Enjoy the Amazing Dance of This Morphing Antenna
- Artificial Muscle Dancing IPMCs
- IPMCs as Sensors and Energy Harvesters-1
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-2
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-3
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-4
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-5
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-6
- IPMCs as Sensors, and Energy Harvesters-7
- Artificial Muscle Dancing IPMCs
- A Bending Liquid Crystal Elastomer
- A Linear Actuator Type Liquid Crystal Elastomer Artificial Muscle
- Dynamics of Ionic Hydraulic Actuation And Water Movement In IPMC Artificial Muscles
- Dynamic Thermal Field & Internal Ions And Water Movements In A Membrane Of IPMC Artificial Muscle
- Enjoy the Contraction Of This Thick PAN Muscle Lifting A Bottle
- Enjoy The Linear Expansion And Contraction Of This PAN Muscle – The Robotic Blob
- Enjoy this mini-heart assist device equipped with a five-fingered hand made withionic polymeric artificial muscles
- Enjoy this video onlinearly contractile liquid crystal elastomer artificial muscle lifting a weight
- Enjoy the underwater maneuvering and swimming and turning of this
biomimetic robotic submarine fish equipped with synthetic muscles that operate in water - Enjoy the uncurling and twisting of this snake-1 muscle in air
- Enjoy the looping and unlooping of this snake-2 muscle in air
- Enjoy this uncurling and twisting snake-3 muscle in air learning not to fall the second time around
- Enjoy the power of this power muscle lifting a quarter 20 times its weight in air.
Using these power muscles we are developing materials whose stiffness can be modulated electrically on the fly.
- Enjoy the unbelievable power of this power muscle lifting 28 times its own weight in air and holding.
- Enjoy the lifting power of this long power stick muscle in air lifting two quarters 42 times its own weight
- Enjoy the lifting power of this long power stick muscle in air lifting three quarters 62 times its own weight.
- QT-1-Biped Robot Walking
- Beating Heart-I
- Beating Heart-II